Friday, March 27, 2015

This week in review......

It was great to see some parents out for Parent /Teacher visits and the Scholastic Book Fair at the library.
It certainly has been a hectic time with flu, colds, weather and boat issues. Hopefully we will be able to get back on track this next week. Homework will be due on or before Thursday, as Friday is Good Friday.
Monday, TNB will be here performing a play. The cafeteria will have a limited menu ( I believe, listen for talk-mail) and we will be eating in our rooms. The cost of the play has been included in the Student Fee your child brought in back in the fall, unless you haven't paid the second installment.
Please return your child's report card envelope with your signature on the back, keep the report.
That is it for this week.
We are preparing for our Provincial Literacy "assessment" which will take place the end of May and early June. There is a combination of short stories, letters, cartoons and experiments that your child reads, then answers 10-12 multiple choice questions. It is challenging. In order for child to be successful, he/she needs to be able to read independently and answer questions about the text such as:
main idea, recalling facts and details, comparing and contrasting, sequence, and author's purpose. By reading every night, your child should be able to do this with confidence and do well. Please ensure they are reading.
Have a great week.