Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Clifford comes to visit!

It doesnt seem like summer is over. We can't put our shorts away yet!
Grade Two-
Homework is due on or before Friday.
Spelling words are: the, not, do, you, want, man, track, pack, block, lock.
Please read every night, also write your own titles please. This is good printing practice.
We had a visitor at the library today. Clifford arrived and had bookmarks and pencils for everyone, thankyou Clifford. We love you !
October 3rd we are having a concert here at school. The Rathscallions are coming and playing Celtic music. We are asked to bring in a loonie to help cover the cost.
Pink T-shirts are also available for "pink" week. Nov. 21st-25th is anti-bullying week, October 7th is the last day to order.
Have a great week !

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Here we are into our third week already. There is a lot going on.
Grade Two will need to get their homework finished and handed in before Thursday. Our test will be on Thursday. These are the spelling words for the week: like, cat, to, and, dog, I'm, rock, sock, dock, clock.
READ every night, and/or after school.
Terry Fox Run- we will be walking around the school rain or shine. Thank you for sending in a "toonie".
We will be practicing BUS SAFETY this week, always listen to your bus driver and do as you are asked.
NO SCHOOL on Friday Sept. 23rd as the teachers are working on the School Improvement Plan.
Have a great week!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


We are settling into a routine here in K-2 quite quickly. The little ones are doing well trying to keep so many things "straight".
Just a reminder that agenda $ (7.00) is due along with any class information sheets that might still be at home.
Grade two - This week's spelling words are: I, can, run, play, day, a, sack, back, we and black. Homework is due on or before Friday . Please have your child read a book every night, if your child wants to read one from home that is fine. Have your child write the title and date in his/her log book by him/herself. They need the practice and are quite capable.
- September 22nd we will be participating in the annual "Terry Fox" run. The K-2 children will be walking around the school rain or shine at 1:05 pm.. Please send in a "toonie" for this very worthwhile cause.( Dress accordingly).
- September 23rd there is no school for students. The teachers will be working on "goals" for our School Improvement Plan.
- September 27th our library will be celebrating ten years of service. There will be a special visitor for our classes to go see. Be on the lookout!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Welcome to everyone!I hope you have all had a wonderful summer and are excited to be "back" at school or coming for the first time. Sorry about all the papers that went home yesterday with the agendas but there really is no way around that one.
Thank you to all who sent the info. sheets back already, Agenda $, and all the little fliers for various magazines. Just by "signing" your name helps in the class getting stickers or other such prizes.Scholastic book orders are due Mon.,Sept. 12th. Our schedule is a little different this year. We have gym every day and it is in the morning. Library books need to be here by Wednesday and math is in the afternoon. Our assemblies are on the last Friday of each month. Lunch is from 11:50-12:05.
We are looking forward to another great year at GMCS. If you have any questions and/or concerns you can reach me here at school until 4:30 or 5:00 pm. 662-7000.