Monday, January 27, 2014

January's end

Another week of eratic weather. Oh boy!!
This week our spelling words are: fast, please, down, for, him, her,why, upon, other and slump.The new and improved "nightly reading" routine seems to be working rather well. More boys and girls have reached their first goal of reading one hundred books. Way to go!!
Please be practicing "doubles" and "magic numbers". This is a big help when it comes to addition and subtraction, and there is a fair bit of both in the homework.
This morning we had two nurses from the G.M. Hospital to give us a presentation on Winter Safety. It was very informative and the girls and boys were a very attentive audience.
Remember to read voraciously, and have a good week.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Can't think of a title

This week our spelling words are: slice, pine, think, rink, stink, slide, wide, light, night, and fright. Once again your child has brought home four books so that he/she has one to read each night.
Wednesday we are having our Book/toy/ healthy food sale. Items will cost .50-to $1.00 or $2.00. Donations are very welcome. Have a great week.

Monday, January 13, 2014

No, spring has not really arrived.

What a lovely change in the weather, temporary I am sure. It is still chilly on the playground and there are lots of puddles, please see that your children wear their boots.
This week our spelling words are: up, sleep, as, they, give, use, how, Saturday, dine and vine.
The boys and girls are bringing their books home on Mondays, for the week. It makes for a bit of a frantic start on Monday morning but I am sure they will get into the swing of it before long.
Abbi has a birthday this coming Saturday. Happy Birthday Abbi!
please be practicing "Doubles" with your child. (up to 10+ 10).
Have a great week.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Happy New Year and welcome back!

It is great to see everyone back, rested and ready for second term.
There is no homework this week. However, I do expect everyone to be reading each night. The boys and girls have brought three books home tonight. This is so they do not have to remember to get a new one every day. We will see how this works. I know many of them forget to change them daily. Book orders are due in on January 13th.
Drama will be on Thursday as usual, for the regular participants.
This Saturday, January 11th, there is "Think Pink" basketball for breast cancer. The senior girls and boys will be playing teams from Harvey beginning at 12:00 noon.
Stay warm. Have a great week.