Monday, September 24, 2007

Welcome! Fall has arrived and the leaves are turning.

Greetings from Mrs. Cronk in K-2. Our school year is well underway and everyone is working hard and having fun. The boys and girls in kindergarten are doing an amazing job learning where they go and what goes where with regard to agendas and homework. The grade two students are such a big help with our little ones.
At this stage in the year, homework for grade two is very straight ahead. As indicated in the front of your child's homework duotang, I would like the duotang returned on or before Friday. Also, there is a list of ten words in your child's agenda each week. We have a test on those words every Friday. Your child should be reading a book every week night and recording the title in the little "half scribbler", as well. Please be going over the "doubles" and "magic numbers" with your child too.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to call me here at school until 4:30-5:00 pm., if it is urgent you can contact me at home.
Have a super week. Stay healthy, easier said than done I think.