Monday, February 23, 2015

Lengthening Days.

This week got off to a great start with our Day 100 Celebration on Monday. The projects were super and very creative. I am sure you will be able to look at pictures on Mrs. Jone's Blog, please check them out.
Please see that your child is reading every day/night. We will be testing "Reading" levels this week. Also I have tested "Doubles" and "Magic Numbers" twice now, and only two students know them well. Being able to rattle these off without thinking really helps when adding and subtracting.
Please have your child bring in his or her Library book this Wednesday. With March Break coming up I am sure you do not want any overdue book charges.
Enjoy the week.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Snow! Snow! Snow!

Well it looks like "Day100" will be Monday, February 23rd. . Let us hope. Projects need to be in by this Wednesday. The students will be presenting them during math class starting tomorrow, as we already have a few in. All the projects will be on display next Monday afternoon," Day 100", in the Great Hall/Cafeteria.
We will begin our homework in class on Tuesday because of our four day week. This will give everyone a good start. Remember to be reading regularly, actually a good pastime with weather like this.
Have a good "rest" of the week.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day....coming up.

Tuesday, February 10th our class will be going curling during Gym time. Please send in your "signed", blue permission slip if you can find it, or a note in your child's agenda saying your child has permission to go curling.
Friday Feb. 13th is a teacher Professional Development Day, no school for students. Therefore we will be exchanging valentines and celebrating on the afternoon of Feb. 12th.
Day 100 is looking like the 19th of Feb., that is if we do not have any more snow days before then.
Projects should be in by the 17th as the children will be presenting them in class as they come in.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Ground Hog Day!

No shadow today for Mr. Groundhog. Either way I am pretty sure we will have at least six more weeks of winter.
Regular homework this week. Please remind your child to return his/her library book by Wednesday. Tuesday, if the weather cooperates, Mrs. Russell will be taking our class to the curling rink for Gym class. Please send along helmets and warm clothing. We still need a couple of permission slips as well.
Book orders are due on Friday, Feb. 6th.
A letter is going home Monday with information about "Day 100" and 100-Day projects. There is also a list of your child's classmates being sent home in preparation for our Valentine's Day Celebration which will be held on Thursday, Feb. 12 th. Friday the 13th is a PD day for teachers so there is no school for students.
Due to snow days we are not sure yet when "Day 100" will be. Right now it looks like the 17th or thereabouts.
Have a good week.