Monday, February 25, 2013

March Break, right around the corner !

This week our spelling words are : five, ten, two, seven, nine, zero, three, eight, one, six, and four. I would like the boys and girls to continue reading each night, and bring in their reading logs every Wednesday for me to check. Some I have not seen for quite some time.
I will send the March book order home after the break.
Have a wonderful break everyone and travel safely if you are going away.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


This week will be short and intense. Our spelling words are: had, don't, some, them, by, very, old, went, another, and chug. We only have three nights to complete our homework and learn our spelling words. PLEASE make sure your child is reading nightly. It is so beneficial and it is really exciting when the boys and girls share what they are reading with me when they come in each morning.
Please send ski pants, hats and mitts with your children. There is a lot of snow on the playground and if they want to play in it they need to be dressed for it.
We just received letters from our penpals on Long Island. This is very exciting for us all. Be sure to ask your child about this. We are busy writing replies. We also got a photograph so we know who is who.
Have a great week, enjoy the increase in day light.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Busy week.

This is shaping up for a busy week. Tomorrow we will be having our scheduled WITS assembly. This begins at 1:00 pm. and involves the RCMP, students from highschool and other members of the community. We are working together in hopes of bringing a greater awareness of some strategies that one can use in certain situations when feeling bullied, scared or threatened. This will be about an hour long and involves some activities, stories and a " swearing-in" ceremony.
Homework needs to be completed and in, on or before Friday. Many boys and girls are not reading regularly every night. I have been doing some Reading Records and I can tell some need to get back on track. This is not a contest, but we will have been in school 100 days, come Friday and I think everyone should have read at least 80 books/chapters.
Speaking of 100 days, we will be celebrating our 100th day of school on Friday. Your child can bring in his/her project any day this week, before Friday that is. We will have them on display in the Great Hall/ Cafeteria Friday afternoon.
Spelling words are in your child's agenda, they are a bit trickier this week so be careful. I will be sending the book order on Friday in case you need a few more days.
Thursday afternoon we will be having a little Valentine's Day celebration. We will exchange cards and have a little snack. If you'd like to send anything along it would be certainly appreciated, drinks would be great too.
Please check your child's head for .... you guessed it. They are back.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Winter Wonderland

This week our spelling words are a bit trickier and will require some hard work. Please check out the words in your child's agenda for the list. I am happy to say that this class has been doing a great job completing their homework and having it in on or before Friday each week.
Here are a few important things coming up in the next couple of weeks:
~ three birthdays this month, Ocean celebrated hers on Sat. Feb. 2nd, Taylar's is Feb. 13th and Ewan's Feb. 16th, Happy Birthday to you all!
~ The week of Feb. 11th should see students bringing in their Day 100 projects. We will be celebrating on Feb. 15th, if we have no snow days.
~ Feb. 12th we are having a WITS Assembly. This will take place at 1:00 pm. ( Book orders due too)
~ Feb. 14th is Valentine's Day. We will have a little party in the afternoon.( class lists will be sent home for card exchange)
Have a great week, stay warm and try to avoid all those germs out there.