Monday, November 26, 2012

It's c-c-c-COLD out there!

Winter has found us after all, maybe for just a few days. This week is a busy one. It will be shorter for students, as we have Parent/Teacher interviews on Friday morning, in addition to Thursday evening and PD for teachers Friday afternoon. Homework should be started early in the week. Our spelling words are: good, have, read, any, did, or, too, Tuesday, woke, and spoke. Please, please, please remember to read every night boys and girls. Also, speaking of reading, our Scholastic Book Fair is being held once again. It starts Wednesday Nov. 28th and runs until Friday at 11:30. Check out the flier in your child's report card envelope. Look on the back of the flier to fill out a ballot to win some books. Please remember to sign and send back the envelope. You may keep the report.
Monday night, TONIGHT! is the Gingerbread House night at the library.
The playground can be a pretty cold place. Please make sure your children have all the clothing they need to "face the elements". Enjoy the week- you too Mr. Wynn.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Pink Week!

This week is "Pink Week" at GMCS. Wear pink. Each day there will be something "pink" happening. Today we had our"pinkies" painted. We have several short videos we will be watching to make everyone aware of "bullying" and how we can do our part to help stop it. We will be having an assembly to wrap things up on Friday.
Our spelling words this week are: keep, away, ran, can't, on, this, if, Monday, rake and Drake. We had lots of perfect spelling tests last week, good job class! Please remember to read regularly, you know the story- you only improve if you read, read, read.
Thursday evening there is a "Welcome to Kindergarten" meeting. It will be held in the K-2 classrooms at 6:00 - 8:00 pm. Be sure to dress warmly for the playground. It is quite chilly out there.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Lobster Fishing is starting!

Last week has come and gone at a rapid pace. This week proves to be a short one too. Our spelling words are: help, ride, work, find, there, Sunday, snake, take, male, and tale. Last week we did a review of our spelling words covered to date, there were a lot of mistakes. Hopefully we will be back on track this week. I forgot to mention our trip to the alpaca farm the week before last. We had a great time. Everyone was well behaved and very polite. We saw alpacas, sheep, rabbits and fish. Mr. and Mrs. Warren even treated us to cupcakes and colouring sheets, a very successful and informative outing. Curriculum Night was held last Wednesday and was a great evening for those who attended. Our class did some lovely paintings of poppies. We put them on the cafeteria wall for our for  Remembrance Day services on Friday and Sunday. They will be bringing them home. Book orders went home today. I will probably send them in by next Monday, Nov. 19th. Pink week (anti-bullying) begins next week. Remember to be reading, reading reading!