Monday, February 9, 2009

Days are lengthening.

This is a busy time in K-2 these next few weeks. As you probably know, there will be school this Friday, Feb.13th. Our "Day 100" projects are starting to arrive and I know some of you are working on your speeches. Oh yes, and we will be exchanging Valentines on Wednesday the 11th.
The grade two spelling words are: club, flag, phone, photo, dolphin, elephant, sphere, alphabet, niece and nephew. Homework is due on or before Friday and please be reading every night.
Last week we had a visitor in grade two. Mr.Wayne Clifford,a published poet, came to talk to us about writing poetry. He wrote a poem especially for us which we hope to illustrate this week. We also started another one together and will invite him back to see the finished product. We all enjoyed his visit and show great promise as poets. Until next week, stay warm and keep reading! M. Cronk

Monday, February 2, 2009

Happy Groundhog Day!

I think I am starting to thaw a little bit. This week our ten spelling words are: this, that, while, wheat, whip, whistle, whiskers, whatever, aunt and uncle. We have five pages of homework and I want to say how pleased I am to see the boys and girls going back and doing their corrections from the previous week. A few things to note: Our Valentine's Day party will be held on Feb. 11th, there is a list of classmate's names on the back of the information sheet that went home today."Day 100" projects are due on Feb. 12th, there is no school for students on Feb. 13th as teachers are going to St. Stephen for inservicing and "Speeches" need to be ready for Feb. 16th. We will be starting in the classroom on the 16th, with grade level trials on the 23rd and finals on the 25th. Book orders will be going home this week and... please check your child's head as, well, you know. Please listen to your child read and let him/her count the change in your pocket. You will be surprised at what these children can do. Have a great week and "keep your stick on the ice". M. Cronk