Monday, January 31, 2011


It is chilly out there!
This week the Grade two spelling words are: play, father, use, mice, side, wink, flight, fine, now and drink. Please study these words until you know them well. I am pleased with the last few week's spelling test results. Keep up the good work! Everyone needs to be reading a book or a chapter every night. Make sure it is "just right" for you.
We have an exciting event planned for Friday February 4th. At 10:00 am., parents of K-2 and grade five, are invited to a French Culture Assembly in the Great Hall.
(Grandparents are welcome too). It will last approximately one hour.
Also Scholastic Book orders are due Friday but I will wait until next Monday to send the order.
February 9th we have Theatre New Brunswick coming to perform. This is always exciting and anticipation is already in the air. The cost is $3.00/child. Thank you to those who have sent in their money.
Have a great week everyone.
M. Cronk

Monday, January 17, 2011


Here we are back into the swing of things.
Grade Two- Homework is due on Friday or before. Our spelling words this week are: big,line, went,hide,rink,like,come,tight,blink and here.
A big thanks for having homework in on time. Grade two does a great job getting their homework duotangs in on time. Remember to have your child read every night, don't forget to write down the titles, ( kids that is).
Homeroom- I will be sending in the Jan. book order on Wednesday (Jan. 19th) in case you would still like to order.
Yearbooks can still be ordered up until March 4th.
Please encourage your children to bundle up, it is quite cold out on the playground.
Have a great week.
M. Cronk