Monday, November 24, 2014

Pink Week!!

This week we are to try to wear pink whenever possible. There are many exciting activities planned and little treats to be passed out over the course of the week. Please listen to your "talk mail" for details regarding "Pink Week". Our Dance is Wednesday November 26th from 6:00-6:45 pm.Admission is $3.00. Wear PINK.
Homework is due on or before Friday as usual. Remember to have your child read every night and record the title and date in his/her log book.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

This week will be another four day week. We started our homework in class yesterday so everyone would have one page pretty well finished. It is a busy time for all and I have noticed some of the boys and girls have been neglecting their nightly reading. Please encourage them to read a book or a chapter each night. The spelling words are in their agendas, they are getting a bit trickie,r they need to study, study, study.
Report cards are going home today. Please sign the envelope and return it, keep the report.
Parent -Teacher Interviews start Thursday night, Nov. 20th 6:00-8:00 pm. Fri. Nov. 21st, there is no school for students. The teachers have PD in the morning and P/T Interviews will run from 1:00-3:00 pm. Please see the form in your child's report card envelope to schedule a time for Parent/Teacher.
Pink Week-Nov. 24th-28th. Wear pink if you can. This week will be full of activities and a special guest will be visiting.Wear pink. November 26th there is a dance from 6:00-6:45 pm.