Monday, September 24, 2012

Autumn has arrived!

Fall is definitely here. Cool crisp evenings and warm days. The new spelling words this week are: the, not, you, want, do, man, track, pack, lock and block. Please have homework returned on or before Friday. This coming Friday we will be having "Show and Tell" at 9:00 am. Also please remember to bring your library books in on Friday. Have a great week. Be sure to read EVERY night. There are soooo many good books out there.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Diminishing Daylight.....

Another busy week! Grade two has the following spelling words: like, cat, to, and, dock, I'm, rock, sock, dog, clock. We are working on the "ack" and "ock" families. We are still working on patterns. Remind your child that patterns are everywhere around us. We see patterns in clothing, numbers, dishes etc.
Colds are making the rounds, so be prepared.
This Friday we will be participating in the "Terry Fox" Run. K-2 will be walking around the school twice.
Please see that your child is reading every night. This is an enthusiastic bunch of boys and girls! It is wonderful to be getting homework returned before Friday. The days are noticably shorter. Please take advantage of the indoor time. It is much easier toget homework done and curl up with a book.
 We have another birthday to celebrate, Jack will be 7 on Friday.
 Also we will be having a "Meet the Teacher Night" at 6:00 pm. on Sept. 24th.
 Have a great week everybody.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Week Two

Well this week has certainly flown by. Homework is due tomorrow, it is great to have so many duotangs back already. The Nightly Reading is going well. The boys and girls have been very conscientious about writing in their own titles and the date.
Remember book orders are due tomorrow (Friday) and the Madagascar 3 movie is playing tomorrow night.
Our first spelling test is tomorrow. We have practiced our Sight Words all week.
In math we are working on a "Pattern" unit. In language Arts we are reviewing the different components of the "Daily 5" and putting them into action.This month in You and Your World we are talking about bullying. We are still going over procedures and routines which is never-ending, and all seems to be going well. Please remember to send in your child's Student Fees. You can send in $10.00 for this first term or $20.00 for the year. Enjoy the rest of the week and the weekend of course.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Welcome Back!

Welcome back everyone! It was a great summer and now here we are, ready for another school year. We have had a good few days at school and are getting into the swing of things.
Homework will start next week, although the boys and girls have brought home books to read tonight. Please have them print the title of the book(s) they read each night along with the date. It is fine if your child brings home a book that is back a level from where he/she was last June, we all tend to get a little rusty over the summer. Also your child may read a book from home if he/she forgets to bring one from school.
Thanks for signing and sending the forms in. Even if you do not wish to subscribe to a magazine, by signing your name and checking "no", we can get free prizes for our class.
Remember there is a "sock-hop" Tuesday, Sept. 11th from 6:00-6:40, book orders are due Sept. 14th and Madagascar 3 will be showing here at GMCS Cinema on the 14th as well.