Thursday, April 28, 2011

April's end

Just a reminder that grade two homework needs to be in tomorrow, along with Reading Logs.
Spelling test is Friday: watch those tricky "silent K" words.
Friday we have our monthly assembly at 1:20 pm.
Another four day week coming up. Teachers are headed for Subject Council on May 6th. There will be no school that day.
Be checking out "signs of spring". There are lots of pussywillows out and I am hearing frogs and seeing frog's eggs! I even saw a purple violet.
Enjoy your weekend.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Happy Easter!

Yikes! Where has this week gone? We are halfway through this one as it is a four day week.
Miss Guptill is settling in to K-2 and we all welcome her, we miss Mrs. G.G. and wish her all the best.
We have had a busy week so far, here in K-2. Monday the boys and girls wore pedometres to keep track of the number of steps they took throughout the day. There were some surprising results. Grades 3-5 will be taking a turn tomorrow, as well as the teachers. The drama group performed their play Monday evening for the public. They did it for K-5 this morning and did a fine job. Off to the mainland to perform in St. Andrew's tomorrow. Bravo !! Many thanks to Mrs. Jones and Ms. Parker for all the hours they have dedicated to practices and to the boys and girls.
Grade Two- Please study those tricky spelling words every night, your test is Thursday. Be sure to bring in your homework early this week as there is no school on Friday.
Science East was a big success! The children really enjoyed the "hands-on" activities and most of them were able to get in for two visits.
Your child has brought home a packet with information on " jump rope for Heart and Stroke"( that's not quite the correct wording) but please check their agenda bags and you will see what I mean. Have a nice "long" weekend !

Monday, April 11, 2011

Happy Monday!

Grade Two
This week we will NOT be having a Friday spelling test.
There is homework to be done in your child's duotang, due Friday.Please remember to read every night and record your title and date.
Science East is set up in one of the rooms off the library. We have scheduled visits to check out the interesting experiments. Be sure to ask your children about this.

Book orders are going home and are due Monday 18th, the form says 14th but please disregard that.
Have a great week.
M. Cronk