Monday, December 8, 2014

The pace is ramping up! This week we have a few special days. Tomorrow, Dec. 9th is Toque day, be sure to wear your favourite toque. Dec. 10th is Frosty the Snowman Day, wear white if you can. Also, Wednesday is our "Book and Healthy Snack Sale" Day. Please send any donations you might have tomorrow and/or Wednesday. Your child should be able to get a book and a snack for $1.00 or $2.00.
This will be our last week for homework before the holidays. It would be nice to keep reading nightly though. :)

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

We had a great "Pink Week" last week which finished up with a visit and wonderful performance from Tenille last Friday. Many thanks to Ms. Ward and Student Council for all the time and work that went in to organizing the entire week, we really appreciate all you do.
Tomorrow is Thursday already and tonight is "The Children's Christmas Hour" at the Library tonight. It starts at 6:15 pm.
December 4th the Elementary Drama Club is performing "A Flea on Santa's Tree"at 6:00 pm in the Great Hall. Donations will be appreciated.
December 5th is BLUE and GOLD Day, remember to wear our school colours. Book orders are also due on this day but I wait until Monday to send the order in.
Try to get some reading done with your child, I know everyone is very busy but it can be a nice, cozy quiet time too.
Enjoy the week!