Monday, January 26, 2009

Deep Chill

Welcome once again. It has been awhile since I have "blogged". We are very busy here at school, heavily into writing,(procedural pieces at the moment) and in math we are working with solid shapes,fractions and addition and subtraction of two-digit numbers with regrouping. Just a reminder to everyone that it is very important for all students to be reading every night. Ideally your child is able to read aloud to you, but sometimes I realize he/she might have to read on his or her own. It is also important for you to ask your child questions about the story, that is the best way to test comprehension.
Our spelling words this week are: remove, cranberries, because, after, then, first, next, finally, another and heat.
Please be thinking about "public speaking" and "Day 100" projects. This will be new to you parents of Kindergarten students, but we will be sending information about this very soon.

Theatre New Brunswick will be performing for us next month so we ask each student to please bring in $2.00.
Have a great week. Please make sure your child is dressed properly for the playground, it is extremely cold out there. Until next week, M. Cronk