Tuesday, November 18, 2014

This week will be another four day week. We started our homework in class yesterday so everyone would have one page pretty well finished. It is a busy time for all and I have noticed some of the boys and girls have been neglecting their nightly reading. Please encourage them to read a book or a chapter each night. The spelling words are in their agendas, they are getting a bit trickie,r they need to study, study, study.
Report cards are going home today. Please sign the envelope and return it, keep the report.
Parent -Teacher Interviews start Thursday night, Nov. 20th 6:00-8:00 pm. Fri. Nov. 21st, there is no school for students. The teachers have PD in the morning and P/T Interviews will run from 1:00-3:00 pm. Please see the form in your child's report card envelope to schedule a time for Parent/Teacher.
Pink Week-Nov. 24th-28th. Wear pink if you can. This week will be full of activities and a special guest will be visiting.Wear pink. November 26th there is a dance from 6:00-6:45 pm.