Monday, February 24, 2014

March Break is approaching.

This week our spelling words are: was, around, tell, eat, think, our, gave, once, back, and straw.
Please see that your child is reading regularly each night. This is extremely important. We have been doing Aimsweb testing on reading comprehension and it would appear that a fair number of children are not reading at home.
This Friday everyone needs to remember to retrurn his/her library book if they have one checked out. We do not want any unnecessary fines.
I will send home the March Book orders this week and they will be due when we return on the 10th  of March.
This Wednesday night Feb. 26th, is Family Movie Night. FROZEN is playing here at school at 6:15-7:55 pm.
Have a great week and a safe and enjoyable March Break.