Monday, November 19, 2012

Pink Week!

This week is "Pink Week" at GMCS. Wear pink. Each day there will be something "pink" happening. Today we had our"pinkies" painted. We have several short videos we will be watching to make everyone aware of "bullying" and how we can do our part to help stop it. We will be having an assembly to wrap things up on Friday.
Our spelling words this week are: keep, away, ran, can't, on, this, if, Monday, rake and Drake. We had lots of perfect spelling tests last week, good job class! Please remember to read regularly, you know the story- you only improve if you read, read, read.
Thursday evening there is a "Welcome to Kindergarten" meeting. It will be held in the K-2 classrooms at 6:00 - 8:00 pm. Be sure to dress warmly for the playground. It is quite chilly out there.