Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Mid - October

This week our spelling words are: make, will, am, me, pretty, same, sap, flap, tip and drip. Everyone is doing a great job getting his/her homework completed and in on or before Friday. Please remember to have your child look back in your duotangs and make any necessary corrections. Everyone should be reading regularly each night. We have had a couple of students pass the "100 books" mark already. Way To Go!! In math we are working on numbers to 100. We are reading numbers to 100 in symbols and words, building numbers with concrete materials, estimating the number of objects in groups to 100, counting forward and backward by 2's, 5's and 10's on a hundred chart and on a numberline and counting coins. Book orders have gone in. Someone ordered two books from the Oct. book order but did not put a name on the form. Let me know if it is you. That is it for this week.