Thursday, September 13, 2012

Week Two

Well this week has certainly flown by. Homework is due tomorrow, it is great to have so many duotangs back already. The Nightly Reading is going well. The boys and girls have been very conscientious about writing in their own titles and the date.
Remember book orders are due tomorrow (Friday) and the Madagascar 3 movie is playing tomorrow night.
Our first spelling test is tomorrow. We have practiced our Sight Words all week.
In math we are working on a "Pattern" unit. In language Arts we are reviewing the different components of the "Daily 5" and putting them into action.This month in You and Your World we are talking about bullying. We are still going over procedures and routines which is never-ending, and all seems to be going well. Please remember to send in your child's Student Fees. You can send in $10.00 for this first term or $20.00 for the year. Enjoy the rest of the week and the weekend of course.