Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Looks like Spring....

This week seems to be a little calmer thus far.
Grade Two- Homework is due on or before Friday. We were missing quite a few duotangs last Friday. Spelling words this week are: had, don't, some, them, by, very, old, went, another, chug. Read and record your titles EVERY night please. We have started a unit on "Measurement". Be practicing the "Days of the week"" and "months of the year" along with "Doubles" and "making ten" numbers.
They tell me Day 100 was a great success. I was sick and it was the first one I have ever missed I am sad to say. The projects were great and thank you those who delivered and picked up. We still have a few of the larger ones here, they can be picked up any time. We (they) also enjoyed some delicious cake thanks to Anthony's Mom.
All for now!