Monday, October 20, 2008

Fallish Weather

Fall is indeed here. Please be sure your "little ones" are dressed warmly. The playground can be cold especially if the wind is blowing.
K-2 have forms in their agenda bags to subscribe to Chickadee magazine. If you are not interested please sign the form anyway as we can get free stickers,etc. for the class, thanks.
Grade two : Please, please see that your children are reading every night. I have told them they may not get much of a chance on the weekends and that is fine. I do not want them to think of reading as work, but something they do for enjoyment and knowledge. It is not a contest. I am happy to say that almost everyone is reading every night. Also, don't be alarmed if your child brings home a book at a level lower than what he/she has been reading. Many good books have been overlooked as children move on to higher levels. If you notice however that he/she is always bringing a book that is three or four levels lower, please remind your child to pick something more challenging.
Gr. Two -The spelling words for this week are: hop, fit, grin, buzz, cross, less, miss, go, no, and fuss. Great job having homework in on Friday or before! Thankyou, have a good week. Mrs. Cronk