Monday, April 21, 2008

Earth Day April 22nd

Nothing too out of the ordinary this week, so far.
Grade Two-
The boys and girls got a headstart on their homework this morning. Our spelling words are: such,truck,home,froze,foal,stone,toast,snowball,fifteen and sixteen. The last couple of weeks, we have done very well in spelling. Keep up the good work boys and girls! Please continue with your nightly reading, bring your little blue books on Friday.
We are working on "time", please talk about this with your children. Ask them at different times through the day, what the time is.
Earth Day is this week. Really every day should be Earth Day. You would be so proud of your children if you could see them on the playground voluntarily picking up garbage.

There will be an assembly this Friday in the Great Hall at 9:00 am. All are welcome.
Have a great week. M. Cronk